Thursday, December 9, 2010

Our team - POLAND part 7

Hi everyone!
I'm Daniel and I'm fifteen. I live in Luboń with my family. I've got two sisters, one of them is older than me and one of them is younger than me. I'm intresting in snowbording and in my opinion I'm good at it.
In school I'm good at PE, and I'm not good at Maths, Chemestry and English. In my opinion I'm quite nice guy ;D
I thing thats all about me, you will know about me more when we will meet.
My couple from Spain is Enrique. And I cant wait for meet him ;)

Bye ;)


  1. Daniel, I like your photo!
    Yes, "quite nice guy" :)

  2. Hi Daniel, welcome to the group! I´m sure you will have a great time here with Enrique.
